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Identity rights

Rights are important to restrict the use of identities.

There are three areas for rights:

  • System-related
  • Identity-related
  • Secret-related

These are rights to manage the Vault itself.

  • Change name

Possibly in the future:

  • Set system-wide restrictions (such as the maximum number of identities, passwords, etc.).

Currently only one right is allowed here:


Rights of an identity to create other identities

Again, there is currently only one permitted right.


Secret related rights are prefixed by VAULES.

There are two types of rights.

  • Permissions that the identity has access to

  • In combination with the right IDENTITY.>.

    Accesses to which the identity is allowed to inherit other permissions.

Right stucture

Rights are indicated by a dot.

This means that each point represents a sublevel. a few examples:

  • VALUES.level1.b.c
  • VALUES.level2.d.e

For compatibility across clients, we recommend using ASCII characters.

Recommended characters: a to z, A to Z and 0 to 9 (names are case sensitive, and cannot contain whitespace).

Special characters: The period . (which is used to separate the secrets into areas) and * and also > (the * and > are used as wildcards).

Same Level wildcard

The first wildcard is * which can be each caracters on same level.

for example:

  • VALUES.A.*

    * can be each word on same level but can not have a deeper sublevel.

    Allowed: VALUES.A.B

    Not Allowed: VALUES.A.B.C

Multi Level wildcard

The second wildcard is > which can be each caracters on same level and each sublevel.

for example:

  • VALUES.A.>

    > can be each word on each level.

    Allowed: VALUES.A.B.C.D

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