GitLab CI/CD Integration
Like anything else, a Gitlab integration should represent at least one additional identity
Whether you create a GitLab CI identity or a pro team depends on the structures and permissions structure.
For the sake of simplicity, we will refer to this as a Gitlab CI identity.
This is generated independently from the CLI or Terraform.
Getting Started If you don't know how to create an identity, follow the Getting Started guide.
You should end up with the private key of the GitLab Ci identity.
Add this private key as a variable at the project or group level.
Settings -> CI/CD -> Variables -> Add variable
Key: VAULT_CLI_HANDLERKEYValue: Your identity PrivatekeyMask: trueProtect: true (some structure it makes sence to unprotected)
Now you are ready to integrate
You are now ready to use Vault Actions in GitLab CI.
Cli at pipelinestep
Now you can add a step where you read and write secrets/identities (depending on the permissions of the GitLab CI identity).
vault_stage: stage: load_secrets image: name: entrypoint: [""] script: - vault-cli --help
Thats all!
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